Having just preached a sermon on the (tough!) topic of divorce and marriage, and having challenged our community, both married and unmarried people, to deepen our understanding of marriage, I want to offer some reading resources to you.

The Meaning of Marriage, by Tim and Kathy Keller, is a helpful place to start. It may feel a bit “heady” for some of you, depending on how you’re naturally wired, but many couples in our community have found it to be extremely helpful. There’s a great section on Singleness, for those who aren’t married but want to explore a Biblical understanding of marriage, which is a really great idea. The accompanying study guide might also be useful to you.

For those looking for something much shorter (!), The Intimate Mystery, by Dan Allender and Tremper Longman III, is also a great resource that provides many simple principles and helpful practical tips for cultivating a healthy marriage.

On the matter of divorce, here’s a simple article on the topic of divorce based on reliable research by John Gottman, one of the leading researchers in the field: “This Behavior is the #1 Predictor of Divorce.” What is it? Not fighting. Not even loud fighting. It’s contempt. Read on.

This isn’t to say that all we need for healthy marriages are good books or article. Don’t forget what we discussed during our Q&A about the importance of friendships and honest conversations. But it is to say that a good book can be a great place to start.

With joyful and sober hearts, let’s deepen our understanding of scripture’s vision of the covenant of marriage!

Walking with you as a husband always in need of grace,
